Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Ability Action Australia is taking a precautionary approach to managing the spread of COVID-19, which is in line with the latest national health advice.

Our parent company, MedHealth, has a working group to ensure we are sharing information, optimising our preparation and managing any issues that may arise from the COVID-19 outbreak. This group monitors the situation daily and is providing updates via the MedHealth website.

Our operations

As much as possible, our operations will proceed as normal. As always, in the event of any disruption or changes, we will keep you fully informed. We are basing all our centralised advice and screening protocols on the Australian Department of Health advice and daily updates.  Ability Action Australia is committed to providing our client’s with the ongoing support and assistance they require in these challenging and unprecedented times.

Protocols, support and considerations for our people

If any of our team members are unwell, we ask they do not proceed with providing services.  This is for any illness, whether respiratory or not. It is an especially important principle at the moment.

We are following all Australian Department of Health guidelines on travel and self-imposed quarantine.

As always, Ability Action Australia puts the health and safety of our people and clients at the forefront of our thinking and actions. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are any issues you would like to discuss.

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