Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Home – NDIS Positive Behaviour Support

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support

At Ability Action Australia, we understand that every behaviour serves a purpose. If you or a loved one has behaviour difficulties we can provide support to act in more appropriate ways.

Positive Behaviour Support works to reduce or eliminate difficult behaviour and is the best approach for children and adults living with disability who display behaviours of concern.

Our goal is to empower you by developing personalised strategies that foster independence and enhance wellbeing. We will work closely with you and your support people to develop tailored strategies that meet your specific needs, while also creating a supportive environment. Our highly skilled team of Behaviour Support Practitioners is here to support you every step of the way, to reduce or eliminate difficult behaviours.

Ready to get started?

Positive behaviour support banner teenage PBS participant and parent

How we can help with Positive Behaviour Support

Our team of qualified and experienced Behaviour Support Practitioners are trained in behaviour support strategies. They start with an assessment and use that to prepare a behaviour support plan, in consultation with you and your family or support people.

The plan is aimed at making difficult behaviour unnecessary by removing the things that trigger, encourage or reward that behaviour. It will also teach you alternative and more appropriate behaviour to replace the difficult behaviour.

Your plan may cover:

  • Improved communication and social skills
  • Environmental changes (e.g. the home environment)
  • Safe methods of response to unsafe behaviours
  • Stress and anger management

A good plan will lead to more effective ways for you to communicate, resulting in improved relationships, greater community access, and a sense of independence over your own life.

The reason why Positive Behaviour Support works so well is that it’s based on the idea that all behaviour serves a purpose, and difficult behaviour can be reduced if you know what someone is trying to achieve or communicate by behaving in this way.

For instance, a child who lives with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may display aggressive behaviours at school that lead to suspensions. An assessment will identify the purpose of this behaviour, which may for example be linked to feelings of isolation and anxiety due to separation  from working parents. It may find that misbehaving in the school environment and being sent home is the quickest way for the child to be reconnected to their parents and reduce their separation anxiety.

The behaviour support plan may subsequently involve changing the child’s routines at home and at school, to create a greater sense of stability. For instance, regular family activities may foster feelings of connection and belonging.

Are you ready to get started? It’s easy!

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PHONE 1800 238 958

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Why choose us?


Achieve your goals

Our Behaviour Support Practitioners will develop a plan that helps you achieve your goals, whether that’s improved communication and social skills, safe methods of response to unsafe behaviours, stress and anger management, and more.

See more about our approach

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Local behaviour support

Our local Behaviour Support Practitioners will come to you. Or you can come to us. It’s easy. Check out our locations page to see if we have a practitioner in your local area. Then call to make an appointment. It’s that simple.

See Practitioners available in your area

Multidisciplinary Care

Multidisciplinary Care

Multidisciplinary care is when a team of health professionals with different skills collaborate to support as many of your needs as possible. Our multidisciplinary team can support you reach your goals!

Learn more about our approach

Positive Behaviour Support Frequently Asked Questions

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an approach that focuses on promoting positive behaviours and improving the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities. It aims to understand the reasons behind challenging behaviours and develops strategies to address them effectively.

In simple terms, Positive Behaviour Support is all about helping individuals develop new skills and making changes to their environment to create a more supportive and encouraging atmosphere. It can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Understanding Behaviour: Positive Behavioural Support starts by trying to understand the reasons behind challenging behaviours. It considers factors such as communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, or unmet needs that may be driving the behaviour.
  • Person-Centred Approach: PBS recognises that each person is unique and takes an individualised approach. It focuses on the strengths, preferences, and needs of the person with a disability, involving them in the decision-making process. This may involve collaboration with an NDIS psychologist to ensure that the plan is properly tailored to the individual.
  • Building Skills: Positive Behaviour Support emphasises teaching new skills to individuals as an alternative to challenging behaviours. By providing appropriate support and training, it helps individuals learn more effective ways to communicate, manage their emotions, and interact with others.
  • Environment Modification: PBS also looks at modifying the environment to make it more accommodating and supportive. This could involve changes in the physical surroundings, daily routines, or communication systems, among other things.
  • Collaborative Teamwork: Positive Behaviour Support involves collaboration between the person with disability, their family, support workers, and professionals. It’s a team effort that aims to create a consistent and positive support system for the individual.

Long-Term Success: PBS is not a quick fix but a long-term approach that focuses on sustained positive change. It requires ongoing monitoring, assessment, and adjustment of strategies to ensure continuous improvement.

Click here to read our dedicated What is Positive Behaviour Support article.

A Positive Behaviour Support plan is a tailored set of actions created in consultation with the participant and their support network (family, carers, school, and support workers) to address behaviours of concern.

We work together to develop a written plan to reduce challenging behaviours and implement effective and proven strategies to improve behaviour and ultimately wellbeing and quality of life.

There are two main purposes for this plan:

  • To guide carers and support workers with practical advice to help and support the person with disability when they are displaying behaviours of concern
  • To assist the person with disability in developing skills that will ultimately reduce these behaviours.

Positive Behaviour Support aims to address specific behaviours of concern and reduce these through a written plan of tailored actions created in consultation with the participant and their support network. Psychology is conducted one-on-one with a psychologist, supporting participants who struggle to achieve their goals due to mental health difficulties.

The NDIS funds both psychology (therapeutic supports) and Positive Behaviour  Support (improved relationships), and Ability Action Australia offers both of these services.

Implementing Positive Behaviour Support involves a thoughtful and systematic approach. An NDIS Positive Behaviour Support practitioner may take the following steps when implementing PBS support:

  • Assessment and Understanding: Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment to understand the individual’s strengths, needs, and the factors contributing to their challenging behaviour.
  • Person-Centred Planning: Involve the individual, their parents and carers, and other relevant people in the planning process. Develop a person-centred plan that focuses on the individual’s goals, preferences, and support needs.
  • Skill Development: Identify specific skills that can help the individual reduce or replace challenging behaviours. 
  • Environmental Modifications: Modify the physical and social environment to support positive behaviours. This could include changes in the physical layout, routine adjustments, providing visual cues or supports, and promoting effective communication strategies.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Utilise positive reinforcement to encourage and reinforce desired behaviours. This involves acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviours, which can be in the form of verbal praise, tokens, privileges, or other meaningful rewards. 
  • Collaborative Teamwork: Establish a collaborative team that includes the individual, family members, support workers, and professionals. Regularly communicate and share information to ensure everyone is working towards the same goals and implementing consistent strategies.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Implementing PBS is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the strategies, reassess goals, and make adjustments when necessary. Provide ongoing training and support to individuals, families, and support people to ensure the sustainability of positive changes.

Our team of NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners delivers a wide range of coping strategies in these broad categories:

  • Communication skills, like recognising and expressing one’s emotional distress, recognising signs of an unhealthy friendship/relationship and learning to set healthy interpersonal boundaries such as saying no, assertiveness training and negotiation skills training
  • Social skills training and building social connections
  • Emotions recognition and regulation (depression, anxiety, stress, frustration, anger, grief)
  • Relaxation strategies
  • Keeping well holistic strategies (helpful thinking, sleep hygiene, stress and anger management, eating well, hobbies, self-confidence/self-esteem building, exercise regimes)
  • Goal setting and working towards goals
  • Addictive behaviour (drug, alcohol, gambling, smoking addictions)
  • Basic life skills training (learning to brush teeth, getting dressed)
  • Grief and loss coping strategies
  • Psychoeducation and awareness training for caregivers
  • Motivational training

A restrictive practice is any intervention that has the effect of restricting the rights or freedom of movement of a person with disability.

The aim of Positive Behaviour Support is to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices through the development and implementation of a behaviour support plan.

Support category nameSupport item name Support item number Hourly feeDelivered by
Improved relationshipsBehaviour Support Plan11_022_0110_7_3$244.22 (WA/SA/TAS/NT)Behaviour Support Practitioner
Improved relationshipsBehaviour Support Plan11_022_0110_7_3$222.99 (NSW/VIC/QLD/ACT)Behaviour Support Practitioner
Improved RelationshipsBehaviour Support Plan11_023_0110_7_3$244.22 (WA/SA/TAS/NT)Behaviour Support Practitioner
Improved RelationshipsBehaviour Support Plan11_023_0110_7_3$222.99 (NSW/VIC/QLD/ACT)Behaviour Support Practitioner

The first step is understanding if you are eligible to receive NDIS funding:

  • Are you permanently disabled or require early intervention to reduce the support you will need in the future?
  • Are you under 65 years old?
  • Are you living in Australia?
  • Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident?

If you answered yes to all of the above, you may be eligible for NDIS funding. To apply, contact the NDIS directly on 1800 800 110. Alternatively, you can complete an Access Request Form on the NDIS website:www.ndis.gov.au

If you have specific questions about Positive Behaviour Support, please get in touch with our team.

I love NDIS

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a way of supporting people with permanent and significant disability. The NDIS is designed to give individuals greater choice and control over when, where and how their funded supports are provided. The specific support and funding available is based on each individual’s specific needs. You can find out more about what therapeutic supports are funded by referring to the NDIS website.

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