Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Beneficial for children and adults living with disability who display behaviours of concern, Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) focuses on reducing or eliminating behaviours of concern by understanding their root causes and developing tailored strategies to best address them. The idea behind Positive Behaviour Support is that all behaviour serves a purpose, and behaviours of concern can be reduced if it is known what the participant is trying to achieve or communicate by behaving in certain ways.


The Benefits of Positive Behaviour Support

Our highly skilled team of Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners work closely with participants and their support networks, to create a supportive environment and implement personalised strategies designed to address and reduce behaviours of concern. Positive Behaviour Support has a host of benefits:

Reducing Behaviours of Concern

By understanding the reasons for behaviours of concern, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners develop tailored positive behaviour support strategies in order to remove the things that trigger, encourage or reward behaviours of concern, and promote alternative and more appropriate behaviours. This can improve the participant’s daily experiences, and also fosters a safer environment, where they feel understood, supported, and empowered.

Community Participation

By engaging in social, recreational, and educational activities, individuals can reduce common feelings of isolation; they’ll start to build more meaningful connections, develop new skills, and gain a sense of belonging. Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners work closely with participants to identify suitable activities and help with social skills development to ensure successful participation.

Enhancing Quality of Life:

Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners are committed to enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals they support. Through a range of strategies they support participants to gain a greater feeling of independence, achievement, and confidence.


What Are Key Principles and Practices of Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support is grounded in key principles and practices designed to enhance the quality of life by reducing or eliminating behaviours of concern. At its core, PBS focuses on understanding the underlying causes of behaviours of concern, and addressing them through proactive, person-centred strategies. Principles and practices of Positive Behaviour Support include:

  • conducting thorough assessments
  • developing tailored support plans
  • using evidence-based interventions to promote positive behaviour changes
  •  and collaboration closely with individuals, their families, and support networks to create a highly supportive environment.


What is a Behaviour Support Plan in Disability?

At Ability Action Australia, we develop tailored strategies known as Positive Behaviour Support plans. These plans focus on the NDIS participant, working collaboratively with their support network to address behaviours of concern and outlining effective strategies to address them. Positive Behaviour Support Plans might include learning new skills or adjusting routines and environments, and aim to reduce the frequency of challenging behaviours, leading to:

  • increased engagement in social activities
  • improved communication
  • improved emotional -regulation
  • boosted confidence and resilience
  • fostering a more fulfilling life
  • and forming healthier relationships.


Positive Behaviour Support Examples

Positive Behaviour Support provides effective strategies and interventions to improve behaviour and create supportive environments. Here are some Positive Behaviour Support examples:

Establish Routines:

Set clear routines for a day, week or month. Routines create a consistent and predictable environment.

Regulating Activities:

Introducing activities that support sensory or emotional regulation, for example, breathing exercises, focused-activities or movement exercises.

Remember Positive Phrasing:

Use positive reinforcement by phrasing rules and expectations in a positive manner.

Boost With Behaviour Statements:

Acknowledge and praise appropriate behaviours by simply stating the behaviour you want to see, and reinforcing positive actions.

Reinforce Good Behaviour With Rewards:

Use rewards to encourage positive behaviours. Set clear guidelines and realistic goals for earning rewards, and ensure they value the rewards.


Ability Action Australia – Leading the way in Positive Behaviour Support For Disability

If your loved one is displaying behaviours of concern and needs NDIS Positive Behaviour Support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of Behaviour Support Practitioners are trained in effective Positive Behaviour Support and look forward to supporting participants to ‘get more out of life today’.

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