Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Key Worker with a participant

“The Key Worker program is amazing!”

These words resonate deeply with parents who have experienced the invaluable support and guidance offered by dedicated Key Workers like Geni at Ability Action Australia.

This remarkable program has been instrumental in transforming the lives of countless families, empowering children to overcome developmental challenges and prepare for formal education.

Geni has been an unwavering pillar of support for one South-West Sydney family, working tirelessly to enhance their son’s everyday skills.

“Geni has been with our son for the past 18 months, working with him to improve his overall daily functioning with a clear goal to help us be ready for school next year. School readiness is one of his main goals,” expressed the participant’s mum.

What sets the Key Worker program apart is its holistic and coordinated approach. Highly qualified Key Workers, with backgrounds in allied health or education, serve as the central point of support for families. For example, Geni played a pivotal role in supporting the family to find an exceptional preschool that aligns perfectly with their son’s unique needs. She collaborates closely with the preschool educators to bridge any developmental gaps, ensuring that strategies are seamlessly implemented within the preschool environment.

The impact of the Key Worker program extends beyond the child; it provides much needed support to parents navigating the complex world of developmental care. The program’s success lies in its ability to transform a daunting process into a manageable and rewarding journey.

A coordinated, family-friendly approach that eliminates the need to schedule multiple therapists, making it easier for families to focus on their child’s growth and development.

“With Geni working with us, this has given us time to step back and recognise, appreciate and celebrate all of his achievements and accomplishments over the past year,” shared the mum.


Talk to us today about our key worker service

For more information on our key worker services, contact our friendly Concierge Team on 1800 238 958 or make a referral. You can also email us at hello@abilityactionaustralia.com.au.

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