Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Alize, Concierge Officer

Alize Cornelius

Position: Concierge Officer - Perth

Alize plays an important role as the first point of contact for clients starting their journey with Ability Action Australia. As someone who is friendly and personable, she helps put participants at ease and makes their time with Ability Action Australia overwhelmingly positive.

She joined Ability Action Australia after moving to Western Australia in 2022. Although Alize is new to the NDIS world, she is loving her role and is passionate about helping those with additional needs. She is excited to be a part of participants’ journeys and support them any way she can.

Previously, she spent 10 years in New Zealand working in the retail space. As an assistant manager, she gained experience managing a large team of staff, conducting meetings, supporting customers and making sure standards remained high across the store.

All of the skills and experience she gained from her previous role have made sure Alize is equipped to support participants at Ability Action Australia. Alize is keen to support participant, and she is able to help participants by:

  • Answering any questions participants might have
  • Setting up appointments with allied health professionals
  • Implementing treatment plans for clients

“I love helping participants get the most out of life. It’s very satisfying being there to support them from the very start of their journey” she says.


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