Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Anisha Adams

Position: Occupational Therapist - Sydney

Anisha is an Occupational Therapist in Sydney who supports NDIS participants in Ryde and the surrounding suburbs.

She has practiced in a range of different areas and settings such as:

  • Orthopaedics and hand therapy
  • Neurological conditions (post CVA, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease)
  • Aged care and adult disability (wheelchair prescription, falls risk, dementia)
  • Community OT
  • Paediatrics

In these roles, Anisha performed assessments such as the Barthel Index, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Montreal Dognitive Assessment (MoCA), Life Skills Profile LSP16, WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test (PEDICAT), Care and Needs Scale (CANS), Sensory Profile, Power Indoor Mobility Driving Assessment (PIDA), and other activity/task based assessments.

When asked about her favourite part of working in Occupational Therapy, Anisha says: “I love helping people meet their goals and feel a sense of achievement. It motivates me when I am able to assist people progress and gain a level of independence in their daily life.”


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