Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Headshot of Ability Action Australia Psychologist, Ashley

Ashley Byrne

Position: Psychologist
With the belief that anyone can thrive given the right environment and support, Ashley works hard to ensure participants receive the help they need to achieve their goals.

Ashley has been a practicing psychologist for three years, gaining experience working with participants of all ages living with a wide range of conditions across public and private practice.

Currently supporting children and adolescents, Ashley has spent the past 18 months working within the NDIS, completing functional capacity assessments and client-centred treatment.

She has experience supporting participants living with a variety of presentations, including:

·         Neurodiverse populations

·         Sexual health concerns

·         Mental illness including anxiety, depression, and phobias

·         Management of sleep, food aversions, continence and toileting

Ashley also has experience supporting early childhood development and engagement within school and family environments, building social skills and safety behaviours for children

“I’m passionate about doing all I can so that participants can achieve their goals,” she says.

Ashley is excited to be supporting NDIS participants on the Sunshine Coast.


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