Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Bridie McIntyre

Position: Speech Pathologist - Caringbah/Wollongong

Bridie is a Speech Pathologist with experience supporting NDIS participants with a range of conditions.

During her studies, Bridie completed clinical placements in a variety of settings, where she assessed and treated individuals across the lifespan.

This included primary schools, retirement villages, rehabilitation hospitals, private practice, and via telehealth.

It also gave her experience assessing and managing a range of practice areas including:

  • Speech
  • Language
  • Voice
  • Dysphagia
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication

When asked about her favourite part of working as a Speech Pathologist, Bridie said: “I love seeing the joy a participant and their support team experience when they achieve a goal or practice skills in various social environments.”

Bridie works in Ability Action Australia’s Caringbah and Wollongong offices, and supports NDIS participants in both regions.


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