Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Carissa, Concierge Officer

Carissa Matheson-Brown

Position: Concierge Officer

Carissa is an accomplished and dedicated Concierge Officer with a proven track record of success in the healthcare industry. With experience in medical transport coordination, reception and human resources, Carissa brings a diverse skillset to her role.

Carissa worked at The Institute of Urban Indigenous Health, an organisation that provides health care services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Southeast Queensland. As a Medical Transport Allocator, her role was integral to ensuring that Indigenous patients could access the healthcare services they need by coordinating their transport to and from medical appointments.

Carissa is mother of four children, two of whom are on the NDIS and are both autistic. As a full-time carer for her children, Carissa has firsthand knowledge and expertise in navigating the NDIS system, and wants to use that knowledge to support clients.

In addition to her experience in transport coordination and reception experience, Carissa has also advised on human resources issues within the workplace and served as an Onsite OH&S Representative.

Carissa applies the following skills to her role as a Concierge Officer:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Empathetic nature

“I love being a part of clients’ journeys. It’s rewarding to be the first person they speak to as they embark on this journey,” she says.


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