Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Lou, Concierge Officer

Lou Makin

Position: Concierge Officer

Lou has worked across a wide range of areas, including management and office administration, roles, customer service and education support and communication. These roles have spanned the private sector, public sector, disability sector and community organisations.

Lou’s passion lies in enabling people to reach their potential and realise their dreams. This passion led her to develop a program aimed at those living with disability, and designed to teach important daily living skills to increase their independence and participation in their community. The program was picked up by an advocacy agency, and successfully gained funding from the NDIA to run across regional Victoria for three years.

With a love for working in roles which support and empower others to reach their full potential, throughout her career, she has supported individuals living with:

  • Intellectual disability
  • Sensorineural disability
  • Physical disability

Lou’s profound connection to the deaf community, including as a mother to two deaf sons and her experience spanning over three decades, has significantly shaped her journey and skills, including her proficiency in Auslan.

“My passion is supporting others to realise their goals and reach their potential. I love witnessing the ‘shift’ in a person when they realise they can achieve whatever they set their mind to,” she says.


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