Ability Action Australia
NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider
Micaela is an Occupational Therapist who supports NDIS participants throughout Gympie and the Sunshine Coast areas.
Her prior experience includes vocational rehabilitation and NDIS private practice paediatrics, where Micaela supported individuals from early childhood to 70 years old living with various disabilities and conditions such as:
Over her career Micaela has used a variety of assessment tools such as the Beery VMI (Visual-Motor Integration) Test, BOT-2 (BruininksOseretsky) Test, MFUN (Miller Function and Participation Scales), MOCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment), Movement ABC (Assessment Battery for Children), Sensory Profile 2, ABAS-3 (Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System), and more.
According to Micaela, the best part of supporting NDIS participants is “Making a difference to individuals that is meaningful to them!”