Ability Action Australia

NDIS Therapeutic Supports Provider

Olivia, Behaviour Support Practitioner

Olivia Compare

Position: Behaviour Support Practitioner - Adelaide

Olivia is a Behaviour Support Practitioner, who is passionate about working with people living with disability to provide high quality, client-focused care. As a recent graduate, she is eager to use her skills in this new role with Ability Action Australia.

Prior to this, Olivia worked for two years in an admin role at a private psychology practice. Her organisational and interpersonal skills shined through, allowing her to effectively manage the calendars of 10 clinical psychologists. Additionally, his role gave her exposure to working with individuals from all walks of life.

Olivia has notable experience beyond Australia, evident in her role as ambassador in the ‘Think Pacific: Youth Empowerment’ program, where she completed a 120-hour mental health workshop in a rural Fijian village, and lived amongst the locals over the course of this one-month internship. She was also a Waterfront Lifeguard in New York where she supported children and adolescents at a summer camp.

In her current role, Olivia works hard to ensure clients:

  • Gain confidence in advocating for their own needs
  • Develop communication skills
  • Improve emotional regulation skills

Olivia says “I love helping individuals become independent, happy, and confident in completing activities that feel most fulfilling to them.”

Based in Adelaide, Olivia is looking forward to supporting NDIS participants across metro Adelaide and the wider Adelaide area.


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